| Step 1 of 3

Credit Card e-mail statements opt-out form

We acknowledge that you would like to choose to opt out of email statements. Please fill in all the mandatory fields below to continue to receive printed statements for all your HSBC credit cards.

Effective from 1 July 2024, HSBC will charge a fee of USD2 / SGD2 (USD2.18 / SGD2.18, inclusive of GST) per account for customers who opt to receive paper statements for their credit card accounts.

The personal data which you are submitting is being collected for the purposes stated in the HSBC Data Protection Policy. For more information on how we manage your personal data, please visit https://www.hsbc.com.sg/privacy-statement/

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| Step 2 of 3

Credit Card e-mail statements opt-out form


Values will appear here

Preferred title

Values will appear here

First name

Values will appear here

Last name

Values will appear here

Card number

Values will appear here

Phone number

Values will appear here

| Step 3 of 3

Credit Card e-mail statements opt-out form

We acknowledge that you have chosen to opt out of email statements. You will continue to receive printed statements.

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