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HSBC Thrive Benefits

The all-in-one benefits management platform for small and medium-sized enterprises and their employees.

An elevated global wealth management banking experience for you and your family.

Everything you need to make the most of your money and live your best life.

Discover all the ways you can bank with us.

Take a look at our wide range of offers and rewards.


Start earning cashback or miles or rewards and enjoy the latest welcome offer.

  T&Cs apply.

Discover how we support you globally, from everyday overseas banking to expert local guidance.


Familiarise yourself with our security measures to keep you safe online.

News and media information for HSBC Singapore.

Service updates and maintenance to our banking services.

Information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates.

Protecting you from fraud and financial crime.

Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. It's easy to share your ideas, stay informed and join the conversation.