Frequently used forms
Online forms
Downloadable forms
*If your browser doesn't automatically open after you click on the link, or you get an error message, right-click on the form link, and select "Save Target As"; or "Save Link As". The form will be saved to your local drive or selected folder, and you may open with your Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Credit cards
Online applications
Downloadable forms
Online forms
Downloadable forms
Home loans
*Note: Please select 'Save target as' or 'Save link as' to your local drive or selected folder. Next, open the form in Adobe Acrobat Reader and complete it to generate a barcode which you can then submit to your nearest HSBC branch.
Online forms
Downloadable forms
Balance to income (BTI)
Business banking
Transactional banking servicing forms
Account opening and closure forms
Personal particulars & preference update forms
Chequing facility forms
Transactional banking forms
*If your browser doesn't automatically open after you click on the link, or you get an error message, right-click on the form link, and select "Save Target As"; or "Save Link As". The form will be saved to your local drive or selected folder, and you may open with your Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)/Common Reporting Standards (CRS) forms
Unit Trust
Structured Products
Dual Currency Plus
Retail Securities
Please download the forms from